We have a variety of Bible Studies offered each week.  Sunday morning Bible Study, Men’s Bible Study, Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Study and more.  
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Sunday School/Bible Study classes provide an opportunity for us to meet with others in our age groups and learn more about God, to discuss the Scriptures and how they apply to us today, and to build closer relationships with our fellow church family members. Spiritual growth has no finish line, and there is no substitute for prayer.
Women on Mission (WOM) ladies meet the second Tuesday of each month to learn about missionaries around the world and support them through prayer. Closer to home, some of the ladies visit with those confined to assisted living facilities or are homebound, but all stand ready to offer personal help to those in need.  These ladies of great Christian character not only serve others, they support and encourage one another.  Mary Ann Ivie very capably and faithfully serves as WOM Director.  The Mt. Olive family supports local, state, national, and international missionaries through love offerings. 
Click on pictures to view.