There are many ways you can be involved with our family here at Mt. Olive. Here is a glimpse of some of the ways we serve God and enjoy fellowship with each other. We hope you will join us soon!

Children’s Ministry:
TeamKid is held Wednesday nights during the school year. Kids through 6th grade can learn Bible stories, hear about missionaries, sing songs, play games, and just get to have fun getting to know more about our God.
Sunday Bible Study gives children the opportunity to meet with other kids their age to learn about God and discuss the meaning of the Scriptures in ways they can understand.
Children’s Church is held during worship for kids up to age 8. During that time, kids will hear a Bible story, play, do crafts, and just be loved by our workers!
During the week-long Vacation Bible School event, children learn important truths from the Bible. They also learn about missionaries, make craft items, play games, and enjoy delicious snacks.
Student Ministry:
Youth from Russellville, Eugene, California, and other surrounding areas meet on Wednesday evenings to learn about Jesus – to hear about God’s plan for their lives – and to seek opportunities to serve others.
Adult Programs:
Sunday School/Bible Study classes provide an opportunity for us to meet with others in our age groups and learn more about God, to discuss the Scriptures and how they apply to us today, and to build closer relationships with our fellow church family members. Spiritual growth has no finish line, and there is no substitute for prayer.
Women on Mission
(WOM) ladies meet the second Tuesday of each month to learn about missionaries around the world and support them through prayer. Closer to home, some of the ladies visit with those confined to assisted living facilities or are homebound, but all stand ready to offer personal help to those in need. These ladies of great Christian character not only serve others, they support and encourage one another. Mary Ann Ivie very capably and faithfully serves as WOM Director.
The Mt. Olive family supports local, state, national, and international missionaries through love offerings.
Wednesday night Bible study and prayer:
The adults join together during the Wed. night activities to dive deeper into the the scripture and discuss the meaning of God’s Word. They end their time with prayer for others.
Helps Ministry:
A group of our men are devoting their talents to be able to help people in our community.
More Activities:
We are a group of Christians that know the importance of fellowship with each other. We have several activities throughout the year to meet together and enjoy the friendships we have with each other.