Ready to be a Mt. Olive Member?

How can I join Mt. Olive?

Persons interested in becoming a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church may do so in any of the following ways:

  • By profession of faith in Jesus Christ and following in believer’s baptism by immersion.
  • By promise of a letter from the Baptist Church where you are currently a member.
  • By statement of faith of your conversion and baptism by immersion in another Baptist church when no letter is obtainable.


When do I join?

At the close of each worship service, a hymn is sung.  This is called the “invitation”.  Our minister will be standing at the front of church.  You can walk to him at that time and share your desire to become part of Mt. Olive.


Still have questions?

This is not unusual.  Please let Bro. Mike or one of the Deacons know.  You may even place a note in the offering plate.  Bro. Mike will call you to set up a time to visit and answer more questions.