Welcome to Mt. Olive Baptist Church! Our hope is that as you walk through our doors you are greeted warmly and experience God’s overwhelming love. Over the years, our faces have changed, but our beliefs and purpose have not.
We believe the Bible to be true, and we base our beliefs on the Scriptures recorded in it. As such, we believe there is only one true God and that the only way to attain eternal life is to repent (be sorry and turn away from) behavior offensive and displeasing to God; to seek God’s forgiveness, and to publicly profess our faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that those who follow God’s plan of our lives will experience an abundant life on earth and enjoy eternity in the presence of God in heaven. Sadly, we also believe that those who do not place their faith in Jesus will spend eternity apart from God.

Our Mission:
To praise and worship God and teach, preach, share, and live the Good News of Jesus Christ!
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the edge of the age.”
Matthew 28: 19-20 [NKJV]
The vision of Mt. Olive Baptist Church is to praise and worship God, and to share His truths with all people!
Our Purpose:
To worship God and to share His Word so all people in the Russellville community and beyond may choose to repent of sin, accept Christ’s death and resurrection and make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives and to disciple those who have accepted Christ as Lord!